Finally, we have trash bins around the city. Not only bins but bins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable solid waste. They are perfectly distributed and accessible to every household within an estimated 50 meter radius. Thanks to the garbage collectors and street cleaners. They must have lobbied it to our solid waste managers. Households now have the ease of disposing their garbage properly. More importantly, scavengers and garbage earners can instantly spot and rake money (and stomach)-worth garbages. The bins reduce the garbage of being strewn open for further scantings by undomesticated felines and canines, leaving a pile of dirty dishes in the streets.
But look into the bins! Are garbages really segregated as intended? Do households really manage solid waste? NO, says the local government survey.
And so do I because I too am one of those irresponsible households who dumps unsegregated useless things in plastic bags to the street.
And so do I because I too am one of those irresponsible households who dumps unsegregated useless things in plastic bags to the street.
You've read it - l have not tried the bins yet. For one, I have thrown garbage at the time bins were overloaded. Second, I often forget the simplest task of disposal even though a big board informing the neighborhood to throw the garbage at 9:00-9:30pm faces my front door and gate. (Thanks Mike for perfectly installing it halfway the streetlight post!).
Next stop! ACTIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AT HOME. Id reread the garbage classification in pastel green and yellow paper pasted in the bins, segregrate my household trash and try the bins! Hopefully, I could spread the act among my housemates. Certainly, my bestfriend Dax Ang would be an easy follower.
Would we foolishly wait for DDS to run after households for irresponsible waste disposal? Should we still wait for barangay officials to enforce it? Dumb question, isnt it? Of course, such household task is simpler than ABC.
PS (pahabol na sulat hehe). You might include the plastic bag containing biodegradables in the bins for biodegradables.