i just lost all my keys; im stuck in the office; left with nothing to do best, but surf the net. blogging was far appealing, then surfing bored me. so, here i am..blogging while waiting for my baggage-less trip to Davao at 4am. ye, i got no bags with me on the road back home because i lost all my keys.
irritating indeed, but i like to repeat that i lost all my keys. damn.
i like to try a midnight walk in Cotabato. but naaahhh, blogging starts to be more appealing than walking. midnight flirting could be a delight, but Greta could definitely be ranting here even if i didnt catch on the temptation.
i can honestly blog until 4am with only crickets, lizards, frogs and hum of the computer. of course, i am not sleepy anymore.
then i turned my head to check if all my keys are on the table. o well, i am not on a lucid dream. i realized i am indeed awake and i lost all my keys. huhuhuhu
i really like to blog until 4am, but i wont. id force myself to sleep. so goodnight, dear, and farewell to all my keys
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
1-Project Project
when i left Mar and joined a new development group, i just wanted to be in an environment project. well, i got more than i wanted. i am with an institution that uniquely studies environment on socio-cultural and peacebuilding context and not biophysical.
after climbing (actually running up) along with my Irish hydrologist boss in Tacurong and Datu Blah Sinsuat, i started committing to do more and make more difference.
when he quoted, "i work for nothing but the best", i quickly asked myself, "what can i do more for my country?"
our project will facilitate barangay development planning in 2 barangays and construct water systems in another 2 barangays. i am delighted with the idea of providing clean and lasting water supply, but not so on just developing a barangay plan.
then an idea sparked on me: i am going to have at least ONE PROJECT in each barangay plan IMPLEMENTED.
i strongly believe plans remain to be useless when not acted. thus, my ONE PROJECT crusade starts here. "what project?" i do not know! our institution and the barangay will still identify them. certainly, the project should be big. one that will benefit majority of the barangay or a sitio. a project that builds peace and is friendly to the environment. it would not even cost my institution and i hope i would have partners.
for now, i would co-ensure the process of identifying the barangay needs will be scientific, participatory and objective.
i am not an expert or specialist of any development sorts. i have not even completed my masters, but i am certain, I CAN IMPLEMENT ONE PROJECT!
after climbing (actually running up) along with my Irish hydrologist boss in Tacurong and Datu Blah Sinsuat, i started committing to do more and make more difference.
when he quoted, "i work for nothing but the best", i quickly asked myself, "what can i do more for my country?"
our project will facilitate barangay development planning in 2 barangays and construct water systems in another 2 barangays. i am delighted with the idea of providing clean and lasting water supply, but not so on just developing a barangay plan.
then an idea sparked on me: i am going to have at least ONE PROJECT in each barangay plan IMPLEMENTED.
i strongly believe plans remain to be useless when not acted. thus, my ONE PROJECT crusade starts here. "what project?" i do not know! our institution and the barangay will still identify them. certainly, the project should be big. one that will benefit majority of the barangay or a sitio. a project that builds peace and is friendly to the environment. it would not even cost my institution and i hope i would have partners.
for now, i would co-ensure the process of identifying the barangay needs will be scientific, participatory and objective.
i am not an expert or specialist of any development sorts. i have not even completed my masters, but i am certain, I CAN IMPLEMENT ONE PROJECT!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Carbon Content Label (pa-churology)
Soon, all products will also contain carbon (emission or footprint) content labels along with calorie content.
It will inform consumers how environment-friendly or how much carbon are emitted by the product from production to distribution. When buying, consumers could somehow be tinker in this manner, "hmm, Coke has 100 calories and 50 carbon. Pepsi has lower calorie at 50, but has higher carbon emission at 120. well! i'm buying Coke!"
That would be fantastic, right?
It will inform consumers how environment-friendly or how much carbon are emitted by the product from production to distribution. When buying, consumers could somehow be tinker in this manner, "hmm, Coke has 100 calories and 50 carbon. Pepsi has lower calorie at 50, but has higher carbon emission at 120. well! i'm buying Coke!"
That would be fantastic, right?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Remaking Rene Requistas
Tadadan! Presenting, Pyk in his first acting career bwahahahaha
the short video was produced for "serious" public service advertising (PSA). i never wanted the role (honest!) but it was for PEACE! so, i was left without choice.
it is about sports for peace. sayang! the story did not evolve around the concept of frisbee. it could have been the perfect sports for peace.
anyways, thanks to the PSA team. you successfully resurrected Renee Requistas hahahahaha but kidding aside, the ad was good despite of some production shortfalls.
so, tadadan! enjoy the ad and enjoy my acting debut
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Don't Need Nurses
Who are they, anyways?
Besides, I don't need health services?
Dr. Crisostomo Serrano just declared me PHYSICALLY FIT after a complete medical check-up! yehey!!!!!!!!!!
My heart is...(note this!)..."remarkable". Both lungs are clear, despite of my petty smoking. Though I don't know what the following medical jargon meant, they basically tell you my chest and blood are clean:
normal pulmonary vascularity;
sharp lateral costophrenic sinuses;
hili are not enlarged;
normal visualized skeletal structures; and
normal hemoglobin, hematocrit, erythrocytes, leucocytes, thrombocytes, MCV, MCH, MCHC
My erythrocytes (mine is 4.36 L, normal is 4.5-5.0) and MCH (32.20, norm is 27.0-31.2) are not within the normal values. But my O-blood, which Greta discriminates to be a "kargador's blood", is medically clean. I don't have the potentials of acquiring leukemia and other blood-related diseases like Greta had (dengue, ewwww!).
What struck me awhile was reading the final chest x-ray result: CHEST=NEGATIVE. As Boski of Cebu-version Apocalypto quoted, "What the F?" Wala akong chest?. I silently quipped. hehehe
My urine is clear from albumin, sugar and pus. Meaning, I don't have diabetes and sexually-transmitted diseases (STD). Not even urinary tract disease (UTI), which I had suffered during my kid days.
And take this! NO INTESTINAL PARASITES were seen in my ta-e (stool para sosyal) analysis. My long doubt of having bulate in my stomach, which could influence my underweight state, was finally answered.
So, WHO SAYS UNDERWEIGHTS (i'm 45-47 kilos) ARE NOT HEALTHY? Think again because I am the antithesis of that old garb. I may eat shit, but I am no shit! hahahahaha
And really, I don't need nurses because I already have 3 wonderful daughter-nurses: Fran, Air and Mishi. Nak, ok kaayo ang papa ninyo. yaw kabalaka, di man pud daw sakit ang binayot, ingon ni doktor. Ang inahan ninyo ang bantayi og tarong kay masakiton kaayo na og badlongon
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