Thursday, June 03, 2010

...ahhh women

In a jeep ride home, I asked direction from the driver. A passenger answered instead.

She was a young beautiful woman in a skimpy dress and good scent. She was texting and hand-combing her wind-flushed long hair. I suspected her a gay, but was not after we started talking.

She seemed worried where to stop. So, I cracked a talk, "basi nawala ka na ha." she smiled and hoped not.

Ahhh her smile instantly nailed me.

She continued on her combing. Then I warned her to hold her bag and asked more, "asa diay ka baba?" "Roxas. Pa-Ecoland man ko."

Perfect! We will be on a same ride home.

We stopped in Roxas and started talking while waiting for another ride. She was friendly, after all her snob physique. And her smile was nailing me more. Grrrrr.

We continued to exchange small cute worries, smiles and talks. I almost wanted to ask her name and number during the ride. But I stopped myself for reasons that most men would disagree.

She went down as I stayed in the jeepney. Just few steps away, she threw a farewell nod-a nod with a friendly smile accompanied with a quick lift of brows.

Arggggg. That nod almost made me step down but I need to get home.

Ahhh women...they always kill you. Happy deaths, perhaps.

As im eating my dinner, I have my doses of should-haves again. But i shook the worry off because I already limg had the name and number of that young beautiful woman: Ney but I won't share her number.

Posted via email from pyk's posterous

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