Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Correlation between the Frisbee Disc and Friendship

Exhausted. Despirited. Sprained. And losing.

Team Herpes marched to the start zone with bended heads, lazy feet and a 3-0 score against a raging opponent. Our team begun to evaporate on a steamy afternoon, wishing to produce a dark cloud to shade the greens. But of course, we were not regulars of the water cycle. We are semis players of the 1st Frisbee Hat Tournament.

And Ronron - the team's youngest and best receiver along with Cezar - stepped up to lead the team. We switched gameplan and flashed the opponent a good chase. Now, its 4 all.

We "robbed" them (of scores, daw). Guess, they need ear aids to hear us say, 5-4 next!!

Team Herpes is Dj, Joyce, Hannah, Pyk, Ronron, Luan and Cezar. Just 1 of 4 frisbee teams who all carry viral diseases of teamwork, fun and athleteism. Our team defeated Team Syphillis and Gonorrhea with 2-lead points and won 1st runner-up. An amazing feat for exhausted and sprained starters.

I opted for an ending that is unlikely from feel-good incorporated. But good stories of real friendships born out of the game are just too irresistable.

Yes! Our team indeed "robbed" not only the final opponent but 2 other teams - we "rubbed" each others' sprained legs.

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