Tuesday, September 04, 2007

status: swinger and its really complicated

just minutes before the birds would be swinging in these wires, i woke up with a munching stomach, panting for a toilet comfort. after 20 reflective minutes, only a spray of carbon+methane was off. not bad gas, after all. so, im green guilt-free but i never went back to R.E.M. i was hunted by my quirky usual toilet retreat.

zip zip zip zip...

the thought became a ringtone to the id, resonating louder than Reznor and the Spartans. yes! i am a swinger; a fencesitter; a non-partisan; balance; a potential true-blue journalist, who never (should) takes sides; a mediator by management; a complicated middleman given a hard choice to choose.

aaaaarrrggh. such a crazy temper. but im holding it.

zip zip zip zip...

im holding it because i never had my cruel intentions of making a fight club. only choices to make; sides to take; peace to keep; and good mornings to grip.

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