Friday, February 05, 2010

20 somethings

you finish school, probably, at this age
either you look for a job or rest awhile
when you find one, you jubilate
but your idealism...often fails you to enjoy your (often) low-paying job or challenge your fresh wits
of course, you dont have much choice
you are a fresh grad
you splurge instead
buy all the fancies you fail to have back in college
travel. eat and splurge

you wake up one day, wanting more
you want to be a better person this time
you want change. you need change
there! you suddenly are "in" the (harsh) the real world

you work. some overwork. some really work
then everything seem to be in your control
you become invincible
you become free, independent and attuned to the world
you feel you can do everything...even without any help

oh, you need some companion pala 
then you look for one. but nah! they are not as important keep one

youthfulness isnt over at all, sadly
you still are after something new
you splurge more
buy more 
travel more. eat more and splurge more and keep more companions
you change eventually
become more invincible, freer, independent and can do more without any help
you leave...the world

then cant do everything pala without any help
you look for a new job or rest awhile
when you find one, you jubilate

you start change again
a real change

ahhh 20s. 
it was a stupid stage, but a turning point

welcome 30s

Posted via email from pyk's posterous

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