Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mr. Self-Motivation and Gregg

February 12

On new shoes and tired legs, I ran Mati for the first time in the afternoon. I hesitate on afternoon runs because it is hot and crowded. But my new shoes convinced me otherwise.

My legs are really tired. I started looking for Mr. Self-Motivation. My music is not working well with me. Good memories didn't work, not even the sunset.

I touched a kid's head, who funnily mimicked my running-or do I just look funny running? :)

On the 30th minute, I began having goosebumps, either because of a tired feet or making it through.

"I miss you...," sings Brandon Boyd. The song caught me, but I moved on looking for Mr. Self-Motivation.

"I have to run more. Today's run should be longer. I should run an hour. This is the sacrifice you should not give up, Pyk. You were a bastard in Cebu. You only ran once in that city," I told myself.

When I entered the long shade, that is when I realized I was racing with the sun. I need to see the sun before it disappears and before my legs give up.

Nice view! My city I often see in the morning in silhouette is now facing the sun. It is glaring with yellow.

On uphill, I'm close to stopping. However, it is also the moment the sun showed up again behind the hills.

Then i saw a man on ragged clothes. Probably, a coco farm worker because of his pride bolo. He was busy. Note: he was on a phone call. O di ba! Who said life is getting worst? Those pessimistic bastards are wrong and I agree with Gregg Easternbrook (though not all his views). Our life today is better. New problems just happen to pop after old problems were solved like polio, hepatitis, scarce food, long travels, etc.

I must push farther now I'm on a downhill. When i saw the sleeping dinosaur (an island), I stopped. I have seen it since my childhood, but it still amazes me.

I checked my run time: 55 minutes. Shet! I made through with tired legs. :)

I walked back and hitched again. And yes! The man was still on the phone

Posted via email from pyk's posterous

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